Friday, January 27, 2012

mini meatloafs.

I've been doing Atkins, by "been doing", I mean I've made it this whole day without carbs.  My goal is to make it to Valentine's Day which might result in some massive raid of a Duane Reade holiday aisle.. or I could wait until the next day and do it all at 75% off. 

I want to come up with healthy low card recipes that are also low in fat, I can't make Atkins my excuse to live off of bacon.  I stopped into the health food store today and combed the aisles looking for a bread crumb alternative for making chicken parmigan, I was almost ready to give up when I stumbled on this: 

This is Textured Vegetable Protein by Red Mill.  It actually worked really well and I was very impressed, its also pretty inexpensive at under $3.00.

Today I made mini turkey meatloaves and I think they turned out excellently.  Below is the recipes and some pictures:

Mini Turkey Meatloaf:

1/4 of a cup of Textured Vegetable Protein (read the directions and make sure you reconstitute it)
One package of thawed frozen spinach
One package of 99% fat free ground turkey
1/8 of an onion chopped
1/2 green pepper
2 tsps crushed garlic
4 tsps parmingan cheese

These are the easiest directions, put it all in a bowl and mush it together.  I then took out a cupcake pan and made a little patty and put it in each cup.  This could be done without a cupcake pan on a regular pan, or if you were having a party you could even use cupcake wrappers to serve as h'orderves. 

here is a pre-cooked picture:

too bad I don't know how to rotate it.... anyway, cook for 15 minutes and this is what you have:

Grate some sharp cheddar over it, even better if its a cheese with jalapenos- put it on a slider bun (miss you carbs) or just eat as is.


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